Leuschen Transportation Workers Vote Yes!
April 11, 2017
On March 31st, more than 170 part-time and full-time workers at Leuschen Transportation in Timmins voted in favour of joining a union.
The successful vote makes these workers the newest members of Local 175.
“These workers faced great adversity from the employer when trying to join the union,” said union organizer Farman Ali. “They have made it clear though. Despite the threats and intimidation, they want to have their collective voices heard and taken seriously by management.”
The workers at Leuschen, employed in school bus transportation were strongly united to achieve better wages, and job security. They want to be treated with respect and they have raised concerns of harassment and favouritism.
“Belonging to Local 175 is a good fit for these workers,” explained President Haggerty. “Deciding to join the Union will improve their working conditions and we look forward to working with them to achieve that.”
Read more stories of workers who celebrated organizing victories and joined UFCW Local 175!

Welcome to our newest members from Leuschen Transportation