McDaniel’s YIG members ratify

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April 6, 2017

The 100 members of Local 175 working at McDaniel’s YIG in Nepean achieved a new four-year collective agreement, which the Members ratified on April 5, 2017.

Despite increased competition in the area, the negotiating committee were able to secure wage increases for each year of the agreement and did not make any concessions. End rate wages increase by 20 cents per hour in each year of the agreement with the first increase retroactive for hours worked since June 1, 2016. In addition, the wage grid has been adapted to ensure that part-time employees’ wages will receive an additional adjustment based on their hours of work to ensure they stay above the minimum wage set by the province.

New language provides Stewards paid time to meet with new employees for orientation. Part-time shift totals have increased to 28 hours per week to maximize senior part-time hours up from 24.

Should the employer have a sustained increased in sales as outlined in the letter of understanding included in the contract, the employer will post one full-time bargaining unit position. The letter of agreement assuring full-time jobs has been renewed.

Union Negotiating Committee: Amanda Hickey, Samantha Malham, Union Servicing Rep Jacques Niquet, and Union Rep Shannon Epp.

Catch up on all the negotiation highlights from across the province here.
