CSINW ratifies
August 14, 2024
CSINW ratifies wage increases, improved pension contributions and paid sick time for more workers.

The HOPE Sector members working at Community Services for Independence Northwest (CSINW) in Thunder Bay ratified a two-year agreement on July 29, 2024.
Wages will increase in Year 1 – 2% retroactive to October 1, 2023 and Year 2 – 2% for all classifications.
Past issues with Bill 124 and wage increases were dealt with prior to bargaining which resulted in a wage increase of 5% retroactive to October 1, 2022. The negotiated increases are compounded on top of the wage adjustments resolved through the grievance procedure.
There will be an additional 5 cent employer contribution to the pension plan bringing members up to the next benefit level. The employer contribution will increase from 45 cents to 50 cents, and member contributions increased to 22 cents and 40 cents; benefits level increased to $14.00 and $20.00.
Language improvements include:
- Part-time will now receive 12 hours of paid sick time.
- Sick day payout for unused days will increase from 60% to 90% for full-time.
- Meal allowance increases from $15 to $30.
- In lieu pay increases from 3% to 4%.
- Double time will be paid if called in for stat day.
Union negotiating committee: Michelle Franklin, Tammie Forsythe, Lynne Grant, Jessica Haskell, Jered Mayo and Michele Raison. Regional Director: Tracy Stubbs.
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