Metro Stafford ratifies

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January 9, 2025

Metro Stafford ratifies yearly wage increases, improved timelines for wage scales and language improvements with new contract.

Metro Stafford in Ottawa ratified a four-year agreement on December 18, 2024. Wages for full-time members at end rate will increase February 1, 2025 – $1.00, February 1, 2026 – $1.00, February 1, 2027 – $0.85, and February 1, 2028 – $0.80. The full-time wage scale now reflects MW+ throughout the grid achieving MW+ $3.00 by the end of the term for full-time clerk.  The grid for Meat Cutter will reduce to 30 months and will achieve MW+ $5.00 by the end of the agreement.

The part-time wage grid will reduce from 6501+ to 5201+ hours to reach end rate, and will achieve MW+ $2.25 by the end of the term. The grid is further adjusted to reach higher rates sooner. The student grid is reduced from 2600 hours to 1301 hours to reach end rate.

Language improvements include:

  • Bereavement: add Grandchild to 5 days with pay.
  • Night Shift Premium increased to $1.10.
  • Full-time Vision Care increased to $300 every 24 months.
  • Safety boot allowance increased to $150/year for full-time with the option to be reimbursed $75.00 every six months, and every 2 years for part-time with the option to be reimbursed $75.00 yearly.
  • Full-time will be entitled to one in every four weekends off, previously it was one in five.

Union negotiating committee: Cheryl Burgess, Brandon Macrae, and Lee McGuire. Union representative: Shannon Epp.

Catch up on all the negotiation highlights from across the province here.

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