Beth Tikvah Foundation ratifies
January 9, 2025
Beth Tikvah Foundation ratifies first collective agreement, securing numerous improvements to wages, benefits, and gains through collective agreement language.
The new members employed at Beth Tikvah Foundation of Hamilton unanimously ratified their first collective agreement on December 5, 2024.
Prior to Union certification, these members had not seen a wage increase in ten years! With the Union these members were able to negotiate wage increases in each of year of the agreement as follows: Year 1 – 3%, Year 2 – 0.5%, Year 3 – 0.5%. Members will also receive a lump sum payment of: Full-time – $1000, and Part-time – $415 at ratification.
Benefit improvement include successfully moving to a trusteed plan for benefit and dental coverage which also allowed us to achieve dental benefits for part-time workers who previously were not covered; a huge win for these workers. Additionally, long term disability premiums are now 100% paid by the employer resulting in $0.63 per hour back in the pockets of our members.
Numerous language gains and protections with a collective agreement including:
- A grievance procedure.
- Time limits letter for arbitration.
- Previously vacation scheduling had very strict rules. We have negotiated language that is more flexible and beneficial for the members.
- Full-time employees are now allowed to cash out a week of vacation.
- There will now be a Labour management committee.
- Part-time will be paid full-time rate of pay when on a temporary vacancy.
- Bargaining unit and contracting out protections.
- Part-time hours are now scheduled by seniority.
- Bereavement leave – parent or guardian and sibling now get 4 days up from 3 days.
- Full time receive an additional preferential day and sick day.
- Language that allows union representative to service the units.
- Negotiating Committee Paid for negotiations up to conciliation.
- $0.01 per hour to the Training education in the third year of the agreement.
Union negotiating committee: Maxine Juradinho, Micheal Santha, and Caprice Sedgwick. Union representative: Sacha Edey.

Read more Negotiation Updates from the Local 175 HOPE Sector! What’s HOPE? It stands for Health, Office & Professional Employees.
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