What We Do
What is a Union? A Union is a group of workers who join together to use their collective voice and strength to improve their workplace. Unionized workers benefit from services and support through their Union.
Got questions about what some terms mean? Check out our Glossary of Terms and our FAQ to learn more.

Member Benefits
At UFCW Locals 175 & 633, members benefit from the following:
Strong, competitive contracts (also called collective agreements) negotiated by our skilled Union Representatives, often alongside committees of Members elected by their co-workers.
Efficient problem resolution including working with your Union Stewards and management to discuss issues as they arise, file grievances, and proceed to arbitration when necessary.
Compassionate and confidential way of getting answers about their rights at work and the provisions of their contract without having to worry about an awkward conversation with their boss.
An inclusive, supportive, and respectful environment for all.
A politically active Union that engages at every level of government to advocate for the progress of workers’ rights and human rights.
A strong Organizing Team that helps non-Union workers achieve Union representation.
In-house legal counsel representation for hearings and in negotiations.
WSIB specialists to assist members who are injured at work get the compensation they deserve.
Health & Safety experts to guide workplace Committees and Members in ensuring their workplace is as safe and healthy as possible.
Free educational opportunities, scholarships, and more.
How does the Union provide all of this?
Unions provide these services by collecting Membership fees, also called dues. Each Union sets its own formula for dues.
Members who join UFCW Locals 175 & 633 through an Organizing drive don’t pay Union Membership Fees until after the Union has negotiated, and you and your co-workers have ratified your first collective agreement.At UFCW Locals 175 & 633, the money from your Membership Fees is spent on providing the best services to you, the Members. Currently, the formula used to calculate dues for Members of UFCW Locals 175 & 633 is:
For example: If you make $17.00 per hour, your weekly Union Membership Fees are calculated as .6 times $17.00, plus 25 cents. That equals $10.45 per week.
And remember that dues are tax deductible.
Our History
The United Food and Commercial Workers (UFCW) Union was formed in 1979 as a result of a merger between the Retail Clerks International Union (RCIU) and the Amalgamated Meat Cutters and Butcher Workmen of North America (AMCBWNA, known in Canada as the Canadian Food and Allied Workers or CFAW).
The 1979 merger was the result of several decades of previous mergers, bringing together diverse yet related unions to become stronger through a united front. Since then, UFCW has continued to seek new partnerships with other labour groups, international, and Canadian unions, whose members continue to find a new home with UFCW.
Today, our Union stands firmly on the strong base established by some of North America’s greatest labour organizations. The strength and size of our membership comes from continued mergers with other labour organizations and, more importantly, a consistent effort to organize non-union workers so that they too can enjoy the benefits of belonging.
The UFCW is an International Union that represents more workers in more industries and workplaces than any Union in Canada and North America. Across the United States and Canada combined, UFCW represents 1.3 million working people.
Here at Locals 175 & 633, we are proud to represent 70,000 members from hundreds of workplaces in Ontario. We are the largest UFCW Local Union in North America.
The Members of UFCW Locals 175 & 633 are your family, friends, and neighbours. To meet some of our Members and learn more about what they do, the services they provide, and the items they produce, visit Our Members at Work.
Our Mission
Locals 175 & 633 of the United Food & Commercial Workers (UFCW) Canada is a Union made up of more than 70,000 hard-working Ontarians employed in almost every sector of the provincial economy.
The history of a union is that of its members’ ongoing struggle for fairness, equality, and social justice – collectively striving for dignity, respect and safety for all workers.
Every worker has the right to be heard in an economy that relies on their hard work but would otherwise not give them a voice. Solidarity is strengthened through empowerment – every person must be proactive in improving the quality of life for all in a society constantly changing.
It is our commitment to:
Provide the best workplace representation through superior collective agreements and expedited problem resolution.
Improve job security and strengthen membership through organizing and engage youth in union activities to encourage our future leaders.
Provide and promote an inclusive environment, reflecting the diversity of the membership, based on the respect and dignity of all members.
Provide new services, benefits, and educational opportunities to improve working conditions and provide members and their families with the best quality of life.
Develop strong and meaningful links with the communities in which our members are active.
Advocate for workers’ rights through political action at all levels of government and within the global community.
Empower members, stewards, staff and officers with practical knowledge, resources, and motivation to carry out the goals and objectives of this local union.