Bradgate Arms ratifies

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January 16, 2025

Bradgate Arms ratifies precedent setting wages, increased shift premiums and improved language with new collective agreement.

The HOPE Sector members at Bradgate Arms Retirement Residence in Toronto unanimously ratified a three-year agreement on December 16, 2024.

This deal secures precedent setting wage increases. Effective January 1, 2025, the classification of Driver and Dishwashers will receive a special wage adjustment of 50 cents per hour to be applied before the General Wage increases of:  Year 1 – 3.5%, Year 2 – 3.75% and Year 3 – 3.75%.

Shift premiums will increase for:

  • UCP (Unregulated Care Provider) – effective January 1, 2025 from $.60 per hour to $1.00 per hour.
  • NEW – Afternoon, Evening or Night shift – $.30 per hour and an additional $.10 per hour in Year 3.

Language improvements will provide both full and part-time workers with additional sick days and overtime will now be paid after eight hours or eighty hours bi-weekly. Additionally, pension language was tidied up for accuracy.

Union negotiating committee: Les Bistrow, Esther Weah, and Sam Wijesinghe. Union representative: Maxine Prince.

Read more Negotiation Updates from the Local 175 HOPE Sector! What’s HOPE? It stands for Health, Office & Professional Employees.

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