Wolseley Inc members in Milton ratify
November 18, 2019
In early November, the unionized employees at Wolseley Inc. in Milton ratified their first renewal collective agreement with a number of improvements that will see them through the next three years.
After meeting in conciliation to work out issues regarding paydays and overtime, the parties reach an agreement which was presented to the membership for ratification on November 8, 2019.
The employer had attempted to raise the hours needed to qualify for overtime to 44 hours per week. Plus, the employer proposed to reduce the Sunday double time pay to one and a half times pay. The Union Negotiating Committee successfully bargained to have both proposals eliminated.
Overall, members on the wage grid will see increases of up to 7% over the three-year term. This includes 1.5% in year one, 2% in year two, and 2.5% in year three. Members with four or more years of service with the employer will receive a lump sum of $400 as well. The pay grid is now 36 months instead of the previous 48 months. This will provide some members with between 2.5% and 4% in increases on top of the regular rate improvements.
The members’ boot allowance improves to $150 per year. Members receive five paid sick days per year and will receive pay out for unused days at 75%, up from the previous 25%.
The number of Stewards representing the members increases to four, up from three, including the Chief Steward. The bargaining committee also increases to three, up from two, with up to 120 hours paid by the employer for the purposes of bargaining. Employer contributions to the UFCW Local 175 Training & Education Fund increase to $700 per year.
The agreement covers approximately 119 full-time, part-time, and temporary Wolseley Inc employees at the Milton facility.
Union Negotiating Committee: Ralph Burrton, David Juanico, and Union Rep Lionel MacEachern.
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