Why Vote?

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October 18, 2019

As we enter the final days in the Federal election cycle, people are becoming more and more apathetic about voting. As the negativity and heated debates that go hand-in-hand with election nears its peak, people start to tune out and lose interest in the process.Young adult holding sign that reads I'm voting because my voice matters

Add to that, there is the newer phenomenon of “fake news” that has emerged in the last several years. The possibly disastrous effects of this digital disruption only adds to voter frustration and fuels the non-voting movement.

It is easier than ever to be an educated voter. But, it’s also very easy to be duped by fake news on social media and on the Web. With a little effort and research, however, you can expose “fake news” for what it is.

Knowledge is at your finger tips! The internet is where young and old voters can form a clear picture of candidates and their platforms through all types of social media and news applications. When you see something shared or posted by someone on social media, your first reaction should be to read it carefully and question its authenticity – no matter what it says.

When it comes to figuring out to vote for, there are a few applications, such as Vote Compass, for example, that can help you figure out how your priorities and beliefs align with voting intentions.

Your vote matters. And your decision on who to vote for should be an informed one.

Of course, it’s easy to throw you hands in the air, ignore it all, and not bother voting. But ask yourself how that helps your country? Wars have been and continue to be fought over democracy and the right to vote. When others have literally died for the right, why are you letting go of it so easily?

If you truly believe your vote won’t make a difference, consider this:

In 2008, an Alaskan State house race was decided by four votes out of 10,083 cast. A similar case in the 1974 New Hampshire Senate race saw the election decided by two votes our of the 102,066 ballots cast.

In the 2018 provincial election, many candidates lost or won by only a few hundred votes.

Your vote matters.

Young voters account for half of the voting population. They are a powerful political force. Young people need to vote to have any influence on issues that will affect their lives for years to come. Younger voters have to look ahead to: entering the workforce and gaining full-time employment; purchasing their first house; getting married; depending on the health care system; and, fighting climate change. Take control of your future and have your say.

Your vote matters and it does make a difference. Don’t let others vote for you. On October 21, cast your ballot proudly and know that you can make a difference.

For information on where and how to vote check out the Election Canada website.




