Victoria Retirement ratifies

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April 9, 2024

Victoria Retirement ratifies a significant increase in wages

Victoria Retirement ratifies

Members working at Victoria Retirement Living in Cobourg ratified a three-year agreement on March 15, 2024. Over the term of the collective agreement the members will receive a significant increase in wages of 10%. Additionally, there will be a letter of understanding to ensure that a minimum wage gap is maintained.

The evening shift premium will increase by 10 cents per hour and there will be the introduction of a weekend premium of 10 cents per hour to increase to a total of 25 cents per hour over the term of the collective agreement.

Other improvements include an increase to the vision care allowance in 2026 of $25.00, and an increase to the sick bank maximums of 21 days for full-time and 9 days for part-time workers.

Negotiating Committee: Debbie Adams and Steve Windebank. Union Representative: Ayesha Jabbar.

Read more Negotiation Updates from the Local 175 HOPE Sector! What’s HOPE? It stands for Health, Office & Professional Employees.

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