Three-year contract ratified at Golden Boy Foods

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March 5, 2018

Union Members at Golden Boy Foods in Markham achieved a new three-year agreement which includes a number of improvements.

The Union negotiating committee secured a new classification, Production Operator, in the agreement. This includes a new pay scale with higher rates into which nine employees are eligible to post. In addition, the agreement now includes language regarding Bill 148 to ensure that any greater rights or benefits that come from such legislation will apply to Golden Boy Foods employees.

Current wage progressions of three and six years have been replaced with a fixed wage rate in each of the three years covered by the new agreement. As a result, employees will see wage increases ranging from 3% to 6% in each year of the contract term. Also, red-circled employees will receive annual lump sum payments of $750. The agreement now includes a new overnight/third shift premium of 40 cents per hour as well.

In terms of benefits, vision care coverage increases to $200, up from $150. The safety shoe allowance improves to $120, up from $90, as of ratification. Lastly, members benefit from a fifth week of vacation entitlement, for those with 25 years of service, paid at 10%

The ratification vote took place March 4, 2018.

Union Negotiating Committee: Tony Manikam, Thaya Sellathurai, Guna Thurainayagam, and Region 2 Director John DiNardo.

Check out a Members at Work feature of our members at Golden Boy Foods.
