In the wake of COVID-19, workplaces have changed and so too have the responsibilities and risk taken on by workers across the country. Your Union is more than disappointed to learn many employers are likely ending the pandemic premium paid to employees very soon.
Some have already ended it.
The New Normal: The workplace has changed. Jobs and responsibilities have changed. The risk workers’ take every day has changed. Shouldn’t workers’ pay reflect that?
Your Union believes that “Pandemic Pay” should be permanent. If you haven’t read the Union’s statement yet, you can find it here.
Thank you to everyone who signed and shared the petition. The petition is now closed and more than 8,500 people signed it.
We will be submitting the petition letter and signatures to employers and the government.
Thank you to everyone who submitted a testemonial on what the Pandemic Pay meant to you. You can find all of their photos and messages on our Facebook and Instagram pages.
Since the beginning of the pandemic, our members have been standing on the front lines ensuring Canadians have the food, healthcare and vital services needed to stay safe. The pandemic continues and so does the risk our members face every day.
Want to learn more about UFCW Locals 175 & 633 and the benefits of joining the Union? Find out more here.