Stewards Seminars in London & Sudbury

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April 27, 2024

From April 27 – 28, 2024, UFCW Locals 175 & 633 Union Stewards from across the central north and south west portions of the province are gathering together for a great weekend of learning and networking at Stewards Seminars in London and Sudbury.

Over the weekend, Stewards take part in various classes covering everything from introductory training, health and safety, workers’ comp essentials, and more. Plus, this year, a new course on Mental Health First Aid is available as well. This weekend seminar happens every two years and is complemented by cell training throughout the province in alternating years.

Thank you to all of our dedicated Stewards for making time to join Your Union for a wonderful weekend. More to come!


Union Representative Dave Forbes with steward Richard Gowing.
President Kelly Tosato and Secretary-Treasurer Jim McLean with the Stewards from Maple Leaf Foods London.
Secretary-Treasurer Jim McLean and Steward Rodolfo Guieb.
President Kelly Tosato, Director John DiNardo, Union Representative Amanda Demelo and Stewards.

Find more Pics from the London seminar on Facebook!


We’ve got lots more photos from the Sudbury seminar up on Facebook! Head on over to check them out.

Make sure you head over to Facebook & Instagram for more photos!

UFCW Locals 175 & 633 is committed to supporting life-long educational opportunities! Check out the scholarships available to Members & their children. Or visit the UFCW Canada webCampus to learn about free online courses.
