Segregated ballots opened; UFCW Local 175 welcome Amcor workers to the Union
February 2, 2023
On September 19 and 20, 2022, a certification vote took place for employees at Amcor Rigid Packaging in Mississauga.
The vote was close but there were many segregated ballots in dispute. After some hard-fought hearing dates at the Ontario Labour Relations Board, the parties opened the remaining ballots leading to a victory for the workers on January 12, 2023.
The more than 260 workers at Amcor Rigid Packaging work as Operators, Quality Control, Warehousing, Shipping & Receiving as well as Maintenance. Our new members look forward to having a collective agreement to help address the favouritism and inequity in the workplace. They also hope to secure better wages, job security, a pension, and benefits.
The four-month campaign dealt with many issues that our Organizing Team deals with on a regular basis. “The Organizing process can sometimes be daunting for workers, but our Organizers always have their backs and work hard to ensure the workers are informed throughout the process,” said UFCW Local 175 President Shawn Haggerty.
The new members are eager to start negotiations with their employer and ensure their voices are heard as they work toward the best possible collective agreement.
Welcome to your Union.
Read more stories of workers who celebrated organizing victories and joined UFCW Local 175!
Want to find out more about joining UFCW Local 175? See some of the benefits of voting Union Yes!