Pascal Lumbala – Rexdale Community Health Centre

Pascal Lumbala

Pascal Lumbala – Rexdale Community Health Centre

Pascal is a unionized HOPE sector worker at Rexdale Community Health Centre in Toronto working as a Health Promoter. He became a union steward when he noticed that his fellow coworkers would come to him and speak to him with questions and concerns around work issues and union business. He then decided to take on the role and has been successfully representing the members since.


Pascal says what he loves about being part of a union is that he gets to be the voice for all his brothers, sisters and friends. He was on the negotiating committee for the last set of negotiations and was part of bargaining a fair deal for the members. Even though he is not able to meet all the demands or expectations of the members he loves the challenge. With every grievance he learns something new, it helps him become more effective in resolving grievances.


Whether it’s his clients or his co-workers, he loves to help and represent them. He believes the importance of having a union is job security, also having professional negotiators to negotiate their wages on your behalf and the ability to collectively bargain result in unionized employees receiving better wages than non-union workers.