Clinton Holmes – Post Foods

Clinton Holmes

Clinton Holmes – Post Foods

Clinton is a unionized industrial food worker at Post Foods (Weetabix) in Cobourg as a team leader on the cougar and coating lines. Clinton says he enjoys the people that he works with and trouble shooting his lines to improve efficiencies and production.


Clinton is the Chairperson at the plant and prior has held a steward position for over 10 years. Clinton became a steward to become more active in the Union and to create change for the members and to become a voice for them as well. Clinton says it’s rewarding being able to see change in the workplace and contributing to that change, but it’s a challenge to creating a winning culture.


Clinton like belonging to a union and participating in the training provided through cell training, conferences and the online education resources. He appreciates the job security, benefits and having the Union support you in the workplace.