Saakaate House members ratify

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April 9, 2018

UFCW Locals 175 & 633 - Saakaate HouseMembers at the Saakaate House Women’s Shelter in Kenora secured a new agreement that includes several improvements.

Since the home is government-funded, the committee will meet with the employer when the government announces any new funding increases. In addition, employees receive signing bonuses of $300 for full-time, $150 for part-time, and $75 for casual.

The agreement includes clarified language regarding vacations and call-outs. Wage increases will now reflect anniversary dates rather than hours worked.

Members voted yes to the new agreement at a meeting held April 8, 2018

Union Negotiating Committee: Rebecca Ferguson, Leana Leask, Charlotte Rosewarne, Union Rep Tracy Stubbs, and Director Kelly Tosato.
