RNs at Norfolk Lodge ratify

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February 28, 2024

RNs at Norfolk Lodge ratify wage increase and add a stat holiday

The Registered Nurses employed by the Corporation of Norfolk County at Norview Lodge in Simcoe ratified a three-year agreement on February 13, 2024.

These HOPE Sector members will receive wage increases in Year 1- 3.25% retroactive, Year 2 – 3%, and Year 3 – 3%. The weekend and afternoon premium will increase by $0.15, and the night shift and supervisory premium will increase by $0.25.

In benefit improvements the vision care allowance will increase by $50, and the health spending account will increase by $100.

The National Day for Truth and Reconciliation will be added to the list of holidays.

Union negotiating committee: Susan Brosseau and Tara Smith. Union representative: Steve Springall.

Catch up on all the negotiation highlights from across the province here.

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