Rexall Negotiations to begin
January 17, 2018
On January 8, 2018, the UFCW Local 175 Rexall negotiating committee met to prepare for bargaining a renewal collective agreement.

Your Rexall Negotiating Committee: Cathy Amyotte, Vanessa Boodie, Janet Luff, Janet McMillan, Alison O’Brien, Cibelle Paquete, Irene Pauls, Susan Reddom-Ryckman, Rhonda Tilley, Sophia Verrydt, Union Servicing Rep Casey Magee, and Region 4 Director Chris Fuller. President Shawn Haggerty and Secretary-Treasurer Kelly Tosato are also pictured.
The current agreement, which covers about 2,400 members at more than 210 stores in Ontario, expires on January 31, 2018.
At the meeting, committee members reviewed proposals received from members at Rexall stores across the province. The committee established its priorities for this round of bargaining and secured six negotiation dates with the employer. Those dates are January 24, 25, 26, and 31, and February 1 and 2, 2018.
Please support your Negotiating Committee and the work they’re doing on your behalf. With the membership standing unified behind them, it gives your committee a strong position going into bargaining.
Updates will be provided when possible, but please remember your committee cannot discuss details while negotiations are ongoing. Also, make sure you check your workplace bulletin board regularly for any meeting notices and attend those meetings.