Retail Union workers make the holidays happen
December 1, 2017

A blurred, crowded retail store with customers at the service counter and retail workers ringing up their purchases.
Retail Union workers make the holidays happen. But very often, the holidays are also the most stressful on our Retail Workers.
Throughout the holiday season especially, retail workers face:
- increased pressure,
- large crowds,
- long lines, and
- irritated customers.
The holiday season can be stressful for everyone. But, workers in retail usually bear the brunt of everyone’s frustration. This can be especially true during big sale days like the day after American Thanksgiving, the several weeks leading up to Christmas, and Boxing Day.
At UFCW Locals 175 & 633 we continue to negotiate strong anti-harassment and anti-discrimination language into our Retail Workers’ Union agreements, as well as for Members in other sectors.
As a result, with their Union contract, our members do not have to put up with harassment, bullying, or assault. We encourage our Members to report any of these incidents immediately to a Union Steward, supervisor, and their Union Rep too.
It is definitely a benefit to belong to a retail union when these things happen.
So, during the holidays, please have patience and respect for the people stocking the shelves, scanning your purchase, or trying to find items for you. They have families to go home to at the end of the day too. Also, try to shop at a retail store with Union workers whenever you can too!
Are you a non-Union retail worker in Ontario?
Find out more about why you might want to Join a Retail Union!
We are the United Food & Commercial Workers Locals 175 & 633. Our Union represents more than 70,000 workers in Ontario, including more than 40,000 Union workers in grocery, drugstores, hardware, clothing, and more.
Our Union gives Workers a voice to stand up and have a say in their working conditions. Some of the Union benefits include:
- better training,
- fair scheduling,
- just cause protection,
- proper job postings,
- guaranteed wages,
- reliable increases,
- protection against discrimination and harassment, and
- the opportunity to have a say and vote on your working conditions.
So, Contact one of our Organizers today to find out more about the benefits of belonging to a Retail Union.
UFCW Locals 175 & 633 works to protect retail workers across the province. Our Local Union got involved when York Region tried to open up retail shopping on statutory holidays, and when the City of Vaughan held consultations on the matter earlier this year.
Our Union believes that Retail Workers deserve holidays too!
#bekindtoretailworkers #wemakeholidayshappen #retailworkerunion
Read more about UFCW Locals 175 & 633 Political Action!