Premium and raises among improvements for members at Saturn Integrated Logistics

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October 5, 2020

On September 14, 2020, the members at Saturn Integrated Logistics ratified a renewal collective agreement that will see them through to July 2023.

All employees will receive a raise of 2% in each year of the agreement. Employees will also receive a signing bonus of $300 plus a COVID allowance bonus of $468.

Employees will benefit from improved shift premiums of 70 cents per hour for afternoon shift, up from 60 cents, and 90 cents per hour for night shift, up from 70 cents. Members also receive an increased boot allowance of $200 per year, up from $175.

A new table premium has been set at 50 cents per hour. Another new premium will provide additional payment for time worked before and after an employee’s regular shift: 90 cents per hour before shift, and 70 cents per hour after shift. Plus, employees with nine years of service will receive an annual payment of $1,000 for their long service.

Further language improvements will increase the number of employees allowed to take vacation at the same time at some points of the year. The Negotiating Committee also bargained to introduce double time language and reduce the waiting period to exit a job down to three months instead of six. In addition, seniority will now apply for preference on job selection.

The collective agreement covers 135 bargaining unit members at the Saturn Integrated Logistics facility in Etobicoke.

Union Negotiating Committee: Tiras Nyajure, Leo Perez, Nigel Sterling, and Union Rep Tony Nigro.

Catch up on all the negotiation highlights from across the province here.

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