Pizza Pizza call centre operators achieve 3-year agreement
February 14, 2020
Unionized employees working as Pizza Pizza call centre operators in Toronto ratified a new three-year agreement recently.
Wages will increase across-the-board by 35 cents per hour in each year of the agreement. The first increase will apply retroactively for hours worked since February 14, 2019. New language added to the Pizza Pizza agreement ensures that end rates will stay ahead of any announced minimum wage increases.
Members benefit from improved enhanced severance language as well, including the removal of any maximums.
Language improves to provide a new paid vacation entitlement of four weeks after eight years of continuous service. In addition, the agreement is now gender neutral throughout.
Lastly, the employer will now pay negotiating committee wages, plus the costs for negotiating rooms and the printing of Collective Agreements for the members.
Members at Pizza Pizza ratified the new agreement on February 10, 2020.
Union Negotiator: Union Rep John Di Falco.
Did you know that February 9 is National Pizza Day?
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