Parent’s YIG in Rockland supports area flood victims

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May 15, 2017

On Saturday, May 13, 2017, the new owners of the Parent’s YIG in Rockland and 100 Members of UFCW Locals 175 & 633 joined together with their community to raise funds for people affected by the recent flooding in the area.

The event, which ran from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., included a lot of support from volunteers and the community. Visitors enjoyed a live band, beer sampling, hamburgers and hotdogs, and baked beans give away, face painting, samplings in store, and picture taking for the kids. The local fire department was also on hand to give out gift bags to the children.

Rain boots doubling as donation baskets placed inside and outside the store were available for customers to give toward flood relief. Despite light rain throughout the day, many of those rain boots were filled with donations.

Karl and Stefanie Parent, who are the new owners of the YIG store, roped off several customers in line at the cash with caution ribbon. They then announced that those customers would receive up to $250 of their grocery purchase for free. And that every dollar they gave away in free groceries would be matched by them and given toward flood relief.

“The generosity shown throughout the day was amazing,” said Union Rep Shannon Epp, who attended the event too.

“The store owners gave away more than $5,000 in free groceries and donated more than $5,000 toward the flood relief fund for the Rockland community.”

Thank you to the Parents, all the UFCW Locals 175 & 633 Members, and the community who gave so generously of their time and money to support the people of Rockland.
