Spencer Place members ratify wage, benefit and language improvements.
January 8, 2024
Compass Group members in Orillia at Sienna Senior Living (Spencer Place) ratify a three-year agreement on December 6, 2023.
Members wages will increase in Year 1 – 4% for cooks and 8% for Dietary Aid, retroactive to date of expiry, Year 2 – 2% and Year 3 – 2%.
Other changes include:
- There will be a $300 signing bonus for cooks.
- The previous wage reduction of $.50/hour for probationary employees has been eliminated.
In benefit improvements, the employer contribution for health care coverage will increase from 60% to 70%.
Language improvements include:
- Floater for employees with more than 5 years.
- Overtime will be offered by seniority.
- Additional bereavement leave with the opportunity to move one day for celebration of life events.
- Additional sick day.
- Employer to cover $25 for doctors’ notes.
- Employer to cover the cost of all medical documentation needed for return from a leave.
- Improved shoe allowance.
- Increased training and education fund contribution to $450 upon ratification and every anniversary year.
- Employer will now be required to provide paystubs a day before pay day.
- Break to be paid when it is worked.
- Part time employees working more than 24 hours for more than 9 weeks will be reclassified to Full-time.
- Improvement to the Grievance procedure timeliness.
- Sunset clause has been reduced to 14 months.
- Improvements to posting language.
Union negotiating committee: Katrina Cannon and Jason Francis. Union representative: Ricardo Bocanegra.

Catch up on all the negotiation highlights from across the province here.
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