Olameter employees join the Union

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January 15, 2019

In late December, the Local welcomed employees from Olameter Inc. as some of the newest Members of the Union.

The 147 full and part-time employees work as Gas, Water, and Electricity meter readers for Olameter in a number of cities. Currently, employees receive pay based on the number of meters read and whether they’re walking or driving. There have been little to no increases in this pay rate, plus employees receive no mileage for use of their personal vehicles. In addition, favouritism often led to preferential route assignments that led to higher pay for less work.

Other issues that brought the Olameter workers to the Union include a lack of health and safety focus, especially in bad weather, and poor equipment maintenance  as well. Employees expressed a desire to establish a retirement or pension plan at work as well.

“These workers found strong solidarity with their co-workers. They realized that the issues faced in other cities were the same issues they experienced in their own,” said UFCW Local 175 Organizer Ricardo Bocanegra. “In the end, it came down to our amazing Keys who worked very hard to help the campaign reach all of the employees.”

Lastly, the cities included in the scope of the certification are:


  • Stratford,
  • Brantford,
  • Owen Sound,
  • St. Thomas,
  • London,
  • Windsor,
  • Sarnia,


  • Simcoe,
  • Woodstock,
  • Burlington,
  • Hamilton,
  • Oakville,
  • Milton, and;
  • Haldimand County.


Congratulations to the employees at Olameter, and welcome to Your Union.

In April 2019, we welcomed even MORE Olameter employees to the Union! Read about it here.

Learn more about how to Join UFCW Locals 175 & 633 and how our Union can make your workplace better!

Read more worker victories who gained the Union benefit by voting Union Yes!



UFCW 175 & 633 - Join the UnionAre you a Member of UFCW Locals 175 & 633 who knows someone who might benefit from having a Union in their workplace?

Have you heard about the honorarium program that can earn you up to $1,250 for referring someone to our Organizers? Read more here.
