Nipissing Co-Op employees achieve new agreement

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September 22, 2017

On September 20, 2017, members working at Nipissing Co-Op in Sudbury ratified a three-year agreement.

Despite the employer’s attempts to have members accept concessions, the Union negotiating committee successfully maintained the current level of health and welfare benefits paid 100% by the employer. They also secured a continued full-time job guarantee and Sunday shift premium.

The 57 employees achieved a number of other improvements, including:

  • Wage increases for both full and part-time of 2% in each year of the contract term.
  • The full-time progression rates reduce to require fewer steps to reach top rate.
  • The wage grid now includes language to provide rates that remain ahead of minimum wage increases announced by the province.
  • Improved language provides earlier schedule posting, which allows Members additional time to plan their weeks.
  • Civic Holiday is now included in the contract as a paid holiday and previous language limiting the annual paid holidays to 10 has been removed.

Union Negotiating Committee: Luc Brosseau, Melissa Cyr, Lorraine Deforge, Gilles Rainville, and Union Reps Matt Belanger and Derek Jokhu.
