More full-time jobs in ratified Ottawa Flyer Force agreement
August 16, 2018
More than 150 Ottawa Flyer Force employees secured a three-year agreement on August 15, 2018.
This contract creates 19 full-time jobs at Ottawa Flyer Force bringing the full-time complement to 42. Full-time employees are guaranteed eight hours of work per day and 40 hours of work per week. Previously, there was no such guarantee and full-time employees only had to be scheduled to a maximum of six hours per day.
Retroactive rate increases include $1.30 per hour for Forklift Operators for hours worked since January 1, 2018. They also receive 25 cents per hour more on the next annual increase. Assistant Lead Operators and Shipper/Receivers receive a retroactive raise of $2.20 per hour for hours worked since January 1, 2018, plus 25 cents per hour more on the next annual increase.
All other classifications receive annual increases of between 15 and 55 cents per hour over the life of the contract. Plus, the Members receive initial lump sum payments of $250 for full-time and $150 for part-time.
A new wage grid includes language to maintain a gap ahead of minimum wage. This means that the lowest rate will not fall below any announced minimum wage increases.
Premiums improve for Cage Operators to 50 cents per hour, up from 25 cents. This position will no longer be employer-designated but will now be filled by seniority. Lastly, an Assistant Lead Operator who agrees to act as Lead Operator when there is an absence, will receive their rate plus 10% for time worked as Lead Operator.
Employees receive two new paid personal emergency leave days to use for reasons other than those already provided for in the agreement. Bereavement leave also improves.
The group will now participate in the UFCW Benefit plan. This will improve the current benefit coverage and reduce the premium that the employees pay. Employees will receive a drug card, and part-time workers will now have Life Insurance coverage of between $6,000 and $10,000.
Other language improvements will provide Union Stewards with 15 minutes of paid time to meet with new hires and provide Union orientation.
This is the first renewal contract for the Union Members at Ottawa Flyer Force. They ratified their first agreement in 2014 and voted to join the Union in 2013.
Union Negotiating Committee: Paramjit Dhaliwal, Redwan Ismael, Union Servicing Rep Sandra Proulx, and Region 3 Director, Daniel Mercier.