Members from GDI Services achieve long fought for RRSP contributions with new agreement

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February 4, 2022

The members from GDI Services working at the Pickering Town Centre have ratified a new three-year deal on February 1, 2022.

Wage improvements are as follows: Year 1 – $.50 (split into 2 increases), Year 2 – $.60 cents (split into 2 increases), Year 3 – $.70 (split into 2 increases).

Other improvements include an increased boot allowance to $80 at 100% reimbursement and meal allowance will now be $15 up from $10.

Members will now be entitled to 5 weeks of vacation after 15 years, there will be the addition of one floater/sick day and the bereavement allowance will increase from 3 to 5 days.

We are happy to report that an RRSP plan that the employer will match (1% of gross wages) will be introduced. This was a very important item for our members as they have been trying to achieve this for many years and they will now have another way to help save for retirement,

Union Negotiating Committee: Rosita Kapsalakis and Mladenka Tojcic. Union Rep: Christina Mayberry

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