Members at Transcare in Scarborough ratify new deal

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May 25, 2021

On May 11, 2021 the approximately 200 full and part time members at Transcare Community Support Services in Scarborough ratified a new 3-year deal.

Wages will increase by 1% across the board in years 2021, 2022, 2023 and 2024, with retroactive payment for 2021. There will also be an increase in the mileage for business travel from $.45 to $.50 per kilometre.

The agreement will include new pandemic language for the Health and Safety Article and Pay Equity language.

A letter of understanding was added with regard to the 1% wage increase allowed by Bill 124. If within the term of this agreement there are amendments to Bill 124, the employer agrees to discuss wages and any enhancements would be passed on to the members.

There is new language for bereavement leave to add Uncle, Aunt, Nephew and Niece for 1 day with pay. Adding in site, 65 Green Crest Circuit with other 5 sites as Continuity of Care at specific sites, and new language to grandfather current Full-time drivers work week (weekend work as part of schedule is optional).

Negotiating Committee: Maxine Dunn, Dawn Grant and Kareena Lynch. Union Rep: Meemee Seto.

Read more Negotiation Updates from the Local 175 HOPE Sector! What’s HOPE? It stands for Health, Office & Professional Employees.

In health care facilities, it is the front-line workers who shoulder the responsibility in caring for patients. Find out why Health Care workers benefit from belonging to our Union!
