Members at the North Bay Comfort Inn Airport ratify

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May 31, 2017

On May 23, 2017, the hospitality workers at the Comfort Inn Airport in North Bay secured a new three-year collective agreement.

The Members at this hotel work at the front desk welcoming and checking in guests, and in housekeeping where they work hard to make sure guests enjoy their stay.

This round of negotiations required a conciliation officer to ensure a fair agreement. Members turned down a previous final offer put forth by the company on March 27.

The ratified agreement contains retroactive wage increases of 2% in the first year, 2.5% in the second year, and another 2.5% in the third year of the contract term.

Members also achieved a floater day in every year covered by the contract whereas the previous agreement only provided for one floater day in the third year. Further improvements provide an increase to the maintenance boot allowance of $150 per year, up from $100.

Union Negotiating Committee: Cynthia Armstrong, Lee-Anne Carew, and Union Reps Jeff Barry and Derek Jokhu.

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