Members at Norfolk Fruit Growers achieve a new agreement

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September 1, 2017

Forty-seven members at Norfolk Fruit Growers in Simcoe ratified a three-year agreement at a vote held August 24, 2017.

Negotiations required the assistance of a conciliation officer for discussions surrounding minimum wage and pay equity. As a result, the negotiating committee achieved language establishing a gap of 25 cents per hour above a $15 per hour minimum wage for those in Job Class 6. Other grid adjustments provide Tray Feed and Mezzanine workers with a 25 cent per hour increases as they move up one job classification.

All rates and classifications increase by 30 cents per hour retroactive for hours worked since expiry of the previous agreement. Additionally, wages increase by another 30 cents in year two, and 50 cents per hour in year three of the contract term.

The safety shoe allowance increases to $100 per year, up from $85, and eye glass coverage is now $220 per two-year period, up from $200. Language improvements address summer clean-ups and call-ins. Workers maintained their pension language as well.

Union Negotiating Committee: Annette Davis, Marg Gomori, Jackie Kapel, and Union Rep Brenda Simmons.

Catch up on all the negotiation highlights from across the province here.

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