Members at National Grocers Cash & Carry ratify

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January 24, 2017

On December 16, 2016, the membership at National Grocers Cash & Carry in Sault Ste. Marie ratified a new collective agreement.

Members will see increases to the full-time and part-time end rates of 25 cents per hour in years one and three. In both the second and fourth years, full-time will receive a lump sum payment of $500, and part-time will receive $250.

The company will contribute $550 per year toward the members’ RRSPs, up from the previous $500, and the safety boot allowance improves to $90 per year, up from $75.

Language improvements include the addition of same-sex partners to the 5-day entitlement.

Union Negotiating Committee: Harold Bruzas and Union Rep Arlene Robertson.
