Members at Independent Linen vote to ratify
August 3, 2017
The 40 full-time employees at Independent Linen in Ottawa secured a new four-year collective agreement at a ratification vote held August 1, 2017.
Members receive an increase of at least 2% on January 1 of each year in the agreement term. All employees active as of ratification receive a 2% lump sum based on earnings between January 1 and September 1, 2017, to be paid in September. As of January 1, 2018, the agreement will include a new wage scale to reflect the proposed provincial minimum wage increases maintaining a minimum gap between classifications.
Members achieved language to provide them the option of receiving vacation pay prior to going on vacation or continue receiving vacation pay at the normal pay schedule. Additionally, the vacation selection process has been simplified.
Employer contributions toward the employee’s dental plan increase to 45 cents per hour, up from 38 cents. As of September 1, 2017, the members will participate in the UFCW Benefits Trust fund for their health and welfare coverage to which the employer will pay $130 per month per employee. This premium increases to $142 in September 2018, and $150 in September 2019. As a result, Members now receive a Drug Card, out-of-country emergency coverage up to $5 million and new life insurance of $5,000 for a spouse, and $2,500 for a child.
Language improvements ensure the employer provides 48-hours’ notice on shift cancellations. Members may now retain one day bereavement for delayed internment. The grievance procedure improves to address timeliness issues and now includes language regarding nomination of a single arbitrator.
Union Negotiating Committee: David Post, Union Rep Sandra Proulx, and Region 3 Director Daniel Mercier.
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