Members at Erinview Retirement unanimously vote to ratify new deal.

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April 29, 2021

Members at Erinview Retirement unanimously vote to ratify new deal.

On April 8, 2021 the members at Erinview Retirement Residence in Mississauga ratified a three year collective agreement. There will be a 2% wage increase effective on January 1st in 2021, 2022 and 2023.  The afternoon and night shift premiums will both increase by 5 cents per hour.

The Union and employer agreed to focus on the RPN and Attendant wage scale in an effort to address hiring and retention concerns within the industry. These special wage adjustments will equate to increases ranging from $0.56 to $1.45 per hour in addition to the annual increase of 2%.

There will be an increase to the UFCW Training & Education fund from 1 cent per hour to 2 cents per hour effective January 1, 2022. The possibility of introducing 12 hours shifts will be discussed and voted on by the membership at a later date.

Negotiating Committee: Romena Aziz, Catalina Bombase, Merlyn Federico, Karen Thom and Union Rep Jason Hanley.

Catch up on all the negotiation highlights from across the province here.

Read more Negotiation Updates from the Local 175 HOPE Sector! What’s HOPE? It stands for Health, Office & Professional Employees.

In health care facilities, it is the front-line workers who shoulder the responsibility in caring for patients. Find out why Health Care workers benefit from belonging to our Union!
