Members at Elliott Lake Foodland achieve 3-year contract

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May 25, 2016

Retail grocery members at Elliott Lake Foodland met on May 16, 2016, to vote on a negotiated memorandum of settlement that will see them through the next three years.

The ratified agreement includes:

  • A lump sum payment of $500 for full-time and $250 for part-time at the end rate in the first year,
  • An end rate increase of 25 cents per hour in year two, and;
  • Another lump sum payment of $500 for full-time and $250 for part-time workers at the end rate.

The part-time wage grid includes adjustments so that progression rates stay ahead of any adjustments made to the provincial minimum wage.

Additional improvements include:

  • Increased hours to 24 per week for all part-time, and;
  • full-time employees receive an additional paid sick day.

Employer contributions to the UFCW Local 175 Training & Education fund increase to $1,000 per year, up from $500.

Union Negotiating Committee: Christopher Mayhew, April Porter, Stephane Tellier, and Union Rep Jeff Barry.
