Jim Brown – Coca Cola Ottawa

Jim Brown

Jim Brown – Coca Cola Ottawa

Jim Brown is a unionized service worker at Coca Cola in Ottawa. Jim is a Delivery Driver/Full Service Vending.

Jim says “Being a delivery driver can be a lonely job, since you are not working inside of a building/ warehouse, that’s why I enjoy my interactions with customers and the general public. Most people gravitate to the big red truck, so I am not in short supply of curious onlookers. When the weather cooperates, it’s fantastic working outside and getting fresh air. Luckily, I have many great coworkers, and this adds to my workplace enjoyment”

Jim says he likes belonging to a union because it provides an avenue for conversation, unlike other workplaces that indiscriminately impose their will on employees. A Union requires the company to operate within a framework. If any actions circumvent your collective agreement, that’s when the Union can take action and protect the workers’ rights.

Jim has been a steward since November 2021 and says he took on the role because “I wanted the ability to talk to management and help create a better workplace. I was also tired of complaining and decided to do something about it! The Union is only as strong as its members and I wanted to create an inclusive environment for all members to speak their mind.” He says the best part of being a steward is when you can positively enact change. “I also like to problem solve and help individuals who need answers.”

Jim believes the biggest challenge to being a steward is trying to help the members understand that they need patience. “I am sure most stewards do not have all the answers, and sometimes they need time to investigate. Plus, most members don’t know the behind scenes discussions that a good union steward is having with management or other members. Some of our actions go without acknowledgment, but that’s okay it’s part of the job.”

Jim has also been part of the Health & Safety Committee, Negotiating Committee and Engagement Committee. When not working Jim enjoys spending time with his wife and kids. “We love when we can go visiting our family members that are out of town. I am a sports fan and can’t wait for the NHL season to start!”