Member at Hutton’s Valu-Mart in Blind River ratify

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May 7, 2019

UFCW Local 175 members at Hutton’s Valu-Mart in Blind River achieved a new collective agreement recently.

Full-time employees receive raises totalling 90 cents per hour over the term of the contract plus a $400 lump sum payment in year two. Part-time rates benefit from Minimum Wage Plus language which ensures no employee’s rate will fall below minimum wage. In year one, the part-time rate is Minimum Wage plus 55 cents per hour. That rate will improve by another 10 cents per hour during the life of the contract. The Committee was able to secure that the Sunday Work premium will be maintained as well.

The employer will now pay for required doctor’s notes, and three paid sick days per year have been extended to full-time employees hired after 2009. Bereavement language improves to provide leave for the death of a grandchild, aunt, or uncle.

The employer will now cover the members on the Negotiating Committee for wages lost during bargaining. The Union Negotiating Committee achieved better break language and language that ensures a copy of the schedule will be provided to Stewards each week.

Lastly, the employer agreed to purchase new boots and aprons for employees in the meat room. It will also purchase new coats and gloves for employees in the receiving, freezer, and carry-out classifications.

The agreement, which members ratified on April 23, 2019, covers 35 employees at Hutton’s Valu-Mart.

Hutton's Valu-Mart members ratify
Union Negotiating Committee: Tammy Fife (centre), Rob Mayer (right), Union Rep Jim Hames (left), and Region 7 Director Sharon Kempf (not pictured).

Check out these other recently ratified agreements for retail grocery members of UFCW Local 175.

Find more UFCW Locals 175 & 633 negotiation updates here.
