Local 175 members at Progressive Waste Solutions achieve new contract

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February 6, 2017

A three-year deal for members at Progressive Waste Solutions in Blenheim was ratified on January 3, 2017.

Members receive wage increases totalling $1.44 per hour over the life of the contract with the first increase retroactive for hours worked since December 1, 2016. All employees receive a signing bonus of $600 as well.

Language improvements address training for promotions and there is new language for overtime signup sheets. In addition, language has been clarified regarding the annual $300 footwear allowance.

Eyeglass coverage increases to $200, up from $150, every 12 months, and eye exams will now be covered up to $90, instead of the previous $75. The tool allowance improves to provide $400 per year, up from $250.

Union Negotiating Committee: Gerald Coleman, Steve Tellier, and Union Rep Brenda Simmons.
