Local 175 members affected by Silverstein’s Bakery closure

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July 29, 2016

Silverstein’s Bakery employees lose their jobs as company closes abruptly.

Members of UFCW Local 175 employed as Drivers at Silverstein’s Bakery on McCaul Street in Toronto were handed permanent layoff notices on July 28 by their employer. On July 29, the bakery is closed.

“The company informed the Union on July 28 that the business would close immediately,” said Shawn Haggerty, President of Local 175. “We were given the impression that the business had gone into receivership.” The Union had been in negotiations with Silverstein’s for a renewal contract.

“Our members have the full support of their Union,” said President Haggerty. “We are taking the necessary steps to deal with this abrupt closure. We will be going to arbitration over the employer not paying severance in accordance with the collective agreement.” The Union will provide ongoing support by helping members file forms and documents to receive support from various government programs.

In addition to the 12 drivers represented by UFCW Local 175, there are a number of other workers at the Silverstein’s Bakery facility affected by this closure who are represented by the Bakery, Confectionery, Tobacco Workers & Grain Millers (BCTGM) Union. The bakery had been in business since 1918.

*updated October 3, 2016*
