Kingston Metro members unanimously ratify new collective agreement

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July 6, 2023

The members working at Metro Bayridge in Kingston unanimously ratified a four-year agreement on June 7, 2023. Full-time workers will receive wages increases of $3.05/hour over the term ofMetro Bayridge ratifies the agreement.  Full-time clerks/receiver hired prior to July 1, 2015 who are at end rate shall also receive a lump sum of $500 each year of the term.

Part-time hired after October 2, 2019 will receive wage increases of Minimum wage + grids with end rate hour maximums reduced to 5201 decreased from 6500 hours with MW + $1.70 by the end of the term. Part-time will slot onto the grid where their hours bring them and wages are retroactive to the date of expiry. The student grid hours will also be reduced from 2601 hours to 1301 hours.

Part-time hired prior to October 2, 2019 who are at end rate as of the date of ratification will also receive a lump sum payment of $500, Mar 1/23 as well as a MW + $2.20 by the end of the term.

Other improvements include

  • Vision coverage increased to $250 plus $50 for eye exam for full-time.
  • Part-time sick leave introduced for those that average 22 hours per week each year effective – January 1, 2024 – 8 hours January 1, 2025 – 16 hours and January 1, 2026 – 24 hours.
  • Introduction of cross training language for part-time employees to allow for members to get more hours by working in another department.
  • Night Shift premium increased to $1.10/hour and applicable to those that work after 9 pm.
  • Safety Boot Allowance increases to $150 per year with option of $75 every 6 months for full-time and $150 every 2 years with the option of $75 each year for part-time.
  • U-scan premium introduced at $.75 per hour for all hours supervising.

Union negotiating committee: Rick Deblois, John Goodwin and Ellen Hamelinck. Union representatives: Shannon Epp and Sandra Proulx.

Catch up on all the negotiation highlights from across the province here.

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