Karma Candy members ratify new agreement
October 7, 2020
On October 3, 2020, the members at Karma Candy in Hamilton held a meeting to vote on a new three-year collective agreement.
The Union negotiating committee worked very hard to secure increases while maintaining existing language for benefits, pension and monetary items. They also achieved a pay equity letter to establish a committee whose time spent will be paid by the employer.
Members will benefit from new language regarding daily transfers. This provision will allow members to maintain their rate of pay when transferred to different duties. The company’s previous practice was to adjust the rate to reflect the duties assigned, instead of the worker’s regular classification rate.
Over the term of the ratified agreement, members will receive general increases totalling 60 cents per hour. Specific classifications will improve by between 15 cents to one dollar per hour over the three-year term. Other monetary improvements include an increased safety boot allowance of $135, the recognition of Family Day as a paid holiday, and a new training premium.
Karma Candy employs more than 102 bargaining unit members, of whom many have a long length of service with the company.
Union Negotiating Committee: Eduardo Capulong, Mariana Fernandes, Irene Tassone, and Union Rep Lee Johnson-Koehn.
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