International Women’s Day 2019
March 7, 2019
This weekend past the Local participated in various International Women’s Day events in the province.
In Cornwall, representatives from the Ottawa office along with members from Cornwall attended the event. Shown here in the group photo is the Mayor of Cornwall Bernadette Clement. Marie Clarke Walker (CLC secretary-treasurer) was the keynote speaker. Marie spoke about the done waiting campaign to fix the child care crisis, ending sexual harassment, violence and wage discrimination.
Waterloo Region
At the Waterloo International Women’s Day Event, the 2019 IWD Committee included Local 175 executive board Vice President Kelly Dick. Kelly also sits on the Waterloo Regional Labour Council. She was the emcee for the event. Members, staff and executive board Vice President Lorne Bruce were also in attendance.
We heard from empowering speakers. Included were Elizabeth Clarke, Kitchener City Councillor. Elisabeth spoke about the need for more shelter services and programs that are appropriate and relevant for homeless women and their children.
Debbie Chapman, Ward 9 Councillor Kitchener-Waterloo and Lyndsey Butcher, Executive Director at SHORE (The Sexual Health Options, Resources & Education) Centre also spoke at the event.
There were also raffles a 50/50 draw and mug sales with the proceeds supporting Shore Centre and KW Women’s Crisis Services.
Peel Region
At the Peel Regional Labour Council event we were welcomed in by a beautiful native blessing. On hand for the event were staff and members along with Local 175 President Shawn Haggerty and Secretary-Treasurer Kelly Tosato. On behalf of the Local, Kelly received a plaque in recognition of the Local’s ongoing continued support of the PRLC International Women’s Day event.
Mayor of Caledon Alan Thompson spoke from a personal level of what the event meant to him as a father. We heard from powerful women in our Labour movement and we were inspired by song as the group all joined in to sing the Bread and Roses March.
A raffles, draws and live auction rounded out the event with proceeds going to Armagh House, Wellspring and Safe Centre of Peel.