Huntsville District Nursing Home members ratify

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November 19, 2020

In this round of bargaining for the members at Huntsville District Nursing Home (also known as Fairvern), the Union sought the assistance of a Conciliation Officer to deal with the impact of Bill 124 on these negotiations.

Bill 124, enacted last year by Ford’s PC government, limits wage increases for public sector workers – including many health care workers – to only 1% per year for at least three years. While the employees’ wages at Huntsville District Nursing Home are restricted by Bill 124, the Committee did negotiate to have monetary reopening language should the Bill be found unconstitutional.

Your Union believes Bill 124 violates the collective bargaining rights enshrined in the freedom of association guarantee of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. You can read more about the charter challenge launched by a coalition of Unions, including UFCW Locals 175 & 633, to fight back against Bill 124 here.

In addition to the limits imposed by Bill 124, the employer sought a number of other concessions at the start of bargaining. Their proposals included introducing a casual classification, capping overtime, removing paid sick days for part-time employees, reducing benefits, and more.

In the end, the Union Negotiating Committee stood strong and achieved a recommended memorandum of settlement with zero concessions.

Wages will improve for all classifications at Huntsville District Nursing Home by 1% in each of the three years of the agreement term. This includes retroactive increases dating back to the expiry of the previous contract. Members will benefit from improved shift premiums for weekend work which will increase to 45 cents per hour, up from 35 cents, over the agreement term.

Huntsville District Nursing Home Union Negotiating Committee 2020

Another monetary improvement shifts the uniform allowance to provide 7 cents per hour worked. Previously, the allowance was a flat rate of $115 per year for full-time and $57 per year for part-time.

Other improvements include sick pay payout based on the calculation of sick pay remaining, and improved health and safety language.

The three-year agreement, which members ratified on November 16, 2020, provides protection and representation for more than 60 health care workers at the Huntsville District Nursing Home.

Union Negotiating Committee: Pam Brown, Estelle Frank, Andrea Gaian, Joyce Vicaire, Union Rep Derek Jokhu, and Executive Assistant to the President, Sylvia Groom.

Read more Negotiation Updates from the Local 175 HOPE Sector! What’s HOPE? It stands for Health, Office & Professional Employees.

In health care facilities, it is the front-line workers who shoulder the most responsibility in caring for patients. Find out why Health Care workers benefit from belonging to our Union!
