Hospitality members at the Prince Arthur ratify new agreement

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January 22, 2021

Prince Arthur Waterfront Hotel & Suites members started off the new year by ratifying a new collective agreement.

Prince Arthur hotel members ratifyDuring bargaining with the Prince Arthur, the Union sought the assistance of a Conciliation officer to deal with wages. As a result, the parties reached an agreement that includes wage improvements for the members.

Over the three-year term, base rates will improve by a total of 95 cents per hour. Members will receive their first and second-year increases paid retroactively for hours worked since expiry of the previous agreement.

In addition, members at the Prince Arthur may be eligible to receive Longevity Pay in addition to their base rate. These amounts improve to pay:

  • 20 cents per hour after five years;
  • 40 cents per hour after 10 years;
  • 50 cents per hour after 15 years, and;
  • 60 cents per hour after 20 years.

Members benefit from improved premiums as well. Employees assigned as Department Head Relief will receive $1 per hour, up from 75 cents, for hours so worked. In addition, employees scheduled for Night Audit receive a premium of $1 per hour, up from 75 cents. Further monetary improvements increase the employee food discount to 50%, up from 20%.

Bereavement language improves to provide two days’ paid leave for the death of a grandparent.

The 59 bargaining unit employees secured the agreement at a vote on January 16, 2021. The Prince Arthur Waterfront Hotel & Suites is located in Thunder Bay.

Union Negotiating Committee: Michael Floyd and Union Rep Tracy Stubbs.

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