Herb & Spice members ratify new agreement
April 26, 2019
The 34 members of UFCW Local 175 working at Herb & Spice in Ottawa achieved a new agreement on March 29, 2019.
The new Herb & Spice agreement includes increases for both full and part-time employees of 25 cents per hour in each year of the contract term. The same wage scale now applies to both part-time and full-time workers, and that wage scale includes Minimum Wage Plus language to ensure no employee falls below any minimum wage increases made by the province. In addition, overtime will now be paid after 42 hours instead of the previous 44.
The Buyer’s premium will increase to provide 60 cents per hour on top of the base rate in year one, 70 cents per hour in year two, and 80 cents per hour in year three. Other classification premiums improve as well, including $2 per hour for Cashier Department Heads, and $1 per hour for all other Department Heads. Shift relief premiums improve as well: this includes $2 per hour, up from $1.50, for relieving a Department Head, and $1 per hour, up from 75 cents, for relieving a higher-rated position.
Heath care coverage improves to now include an additional nine part-time employees in the Health Care Spending Account. All employees with at least two years of seniority now receive a paid Floater Day each year. Plus, vacation entitlement improves to provide five weeks paid at 10% for both full and part-time employees with 20 years of service. Bereavement language increases to five paid days’ leave, up from the previous three days, for the death of a sibling. The Herb & Spice contract also now includes new Leaves of Absence as provided by the Employment Standards Act (ESA).
Union Negotiating Committee: Tina Barton, Jonathan Buckle, and Union Rep Joe Tenn.
Check out more negotiation updates for the members of UFCW Locals 175 & 633.
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