Food Basics members in Elmira and Blenheim ratify wage, benefit and language improvements
February 3, 2023
The members employed by Food Basics stores #910 and #912 in Elmira and Blenheim unanimously ratified a five-year agreement on January 25, 2023.
Full-time and Part-time workers will receive $2.30 per hour over the life of the agreement. Full-time members will receive a $1000.00 lump sum at date of ratification, Part-time $500.00 lump sum plus $250.00 on July 2, 2023. Language was also negotiated to ensure that Part-time members will receive any difference if the minimum wage increases more than their wage increase during the life of the agreement.
We were also successful in negotiating a “me too clause” which will provide these stores with any wage or benefit improvements that is achieved in the upcoming Food Basics master agreement negotiations.
Members who continue to work beyond age 65 will continue to receive benefits.
Language was secured to provide that workers will have the Saturday and Sunday off before and after their vacation and language for student leave of absence to attend college or university.
Union negotiating committee: Mel Bond and Justin Wright. Union representatives: Jennifer Hanley and Tim Kelly.