First Choice Beverage employees vote Yes to UFCW 175
January 16, 2019
Employees at First Choice Beverage in Mississauga are starting the New Year off on a great foot after winning their vote to join the Union.
UFCW Local 175 is proud to welcome about 100 employees from First Choice Beverage. The plant employs about 60 full-time permanent workers plus 40 part-time employees supplied by a temp agency. In the high season, the number of temp agency workers doubles.
Favouritism was one of the major reasons the employees wanted to gain Union representation. This included new employees getting higher wages than existing long-term employees received. In addition, things like holiday and vacation pay, and overtime premiums were issues as well.
“I know these workers look forward to having their first proposal meeting,” said UFCW Local 175 Organizer Jeffery Lu. During the campaign, the Union filed several Unfair Labour Practice charges at the Ontario Labour Relations Board (OLRB). Throughout the organizing drive, despite the employer’s tactics, employees were eager to learn more about the Union and the benefits it could bring to their work life.
Employees at the First Choice Beverage plant produce juice, and soy and almond milk for brands, like Simply Orange and Earth’s Own. UFCW Local 175 represents employees at a number of beverage production facilities including Lassonde Beverages and Minute Maid.
The Union would like to thank the three Key employees at the plant who worked hard to make this campaign a success. Congratulations and welcome to Your Union!
Learn more about how to Join UFCW Locals 175 & 633 and how our Union can make your workplace better!
Are you a Member of UFCW Locals 175 & 633 who knows someone who might benefit from having a Union in their workplace?
Have you heard about the honorarium program that can earn you up to $1,250 for referring someone to our Organizers?
Read more worker victories who gained the Union benefit by voting Union Yes!