Dollar Thrifty members ratify 30-month contract

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November 18, 2019

Members working at Dollar Thrifty Car Rental at Pearson International Airport ratified a new collective agreement by 95% on October 17, 2019.

The 30-month agreement achieved a number of improvements for these members. The Union Negotiating Committee secured several enhancements to paid time off for employees at Dollar Thrifty. This includes providing senior employees with 23 years of service or more with an additional paid day off each year. The employer will now recognize Civic Holiday as a statutory day off with pay. Full-time employees can now carry over two paid float days to the next year, and part-time now receive two paid float days every year where previously they had none.

Another important language improvement negotiated by the Union Committee allows employees to switch up to four shifts per month. They may also use their sick days as choice/personal days as well.

In terms of wages, employees will see the wage grid improve by $1 per hour at each step on the progression. Off-grid non-red-circled employees will see wage increases totalling $2.10 per hour – 11% – over the 30 months in the contract term. Red-circled employees will see raises totalling $2.55 per hour, which is equivalent to a 12% increase. Approximately 25% of the remaining employees who are off-grid will see an additional $1 per hour increase on top of the $2.10 above. In addition, employees working as the Exit and Express Booth Agents will get a shift premium of $1 per hour.

Effective January 1, 2020, employees will receive a drug card. Vision care coverage improves to provide $350, up from $275, every 24 months. Lastly, part-time employees will now get $40 per year toward a shoe allowance.

Union Negotiating Committee: Lee Peachey, Sanjay Sharma, and Union Rep Jehan Ahamed.

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