Delrose Retirement Residence members ratify
January 3, 2020
In December, the members at Delrose Retirement Residence in Delhi achieved a new three-year collective agreement.
The negotiated deal includes significant wage improvements, which was important to the membership at Delrose Retirement in this round of bargaining, and will assist with attraction and retention of employees.
The ratified agreement provides an initial increase of $5 per hour for Registered Practical Nurses (RPNs). Guest Attendants, now referred to as Personal Support Workers (PSWs), will see an increase of $3 per hour. Employees in all other classifications get a rate increase of 6% following ratification. In addition, all job classifications will see an increase of 2% in year two, and another 2% in year three.
Bereavement leave improves to provide five days’ leave, up from three, for the death of a parent and step-parent.
Lastly, the committee at Delrose Retirement achieved a new trial for vacation selection. This method will improve the vacation request process through the use of seniority.
Union Negotiating Committee: Lacey Rohrer, Julie Waugh, and Union Representative Matt Davenport.
Read more Negotiation Updates from the Local 175 HOPE Sector! What’s HOPE? It stands for Health, Office & Professional Employees.
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