Day of Action urges Conservative government to create an Ontario for All

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October 31, 2019

October 28 marked the return of the Ontario Legislature after Doug Ford took a five-month break – one of the longest breaks for the province’s government in almost 25 years.

To remind Ford and his party of the damage they’ve caused to the people of Ontario so far, the Ontario Federation of Labour (OFL) marched in protest at Queen’s Park and held a press conference before Monday’s Question Period.

OFL President Chris Buckley said: “Ford and his MPPs have been in hiding for five months, but Ontarians have not forgotten the damage they have done. We are still here resisting the cuts that hurt Ontario communities.”

UFCW Locals 175 & 633 was proud to take part and stand in protest alongside the OFL and all of labour.

“Our Local Union is proud to stand up and fight for workers’ rights alongside the OFL and all of labour,” said Local 175 Union Rep Tim Deelstra, who also sits as a Vice President on the OFL Executive Board. “We must continue to show up and hold this government accountable for every decision it makes.”

The Ford government’s actions so far have had a major negative impact on all Ontarians. This includes cuts to healthcare and education. Those cuts triggered layoffs and service reductions plus a loss of about 50,000 courses for students. They’ve also interfered with union rights like free collective bargaining and the right to strike.

“Political action is an important part of how a Union can fight for its Membership,” said Local 175 President Shawn Haggerty. “All of our members feel the effects of Ford’s cuts. We have to support the workers whose jobs are on the line. We also need to stand strong to keep the vital funding for our healthcare and education systems that all of our families depend on. Our Union will continue to fight to get this government to change its ways and actually work FOR the people of this province.”

Read the OFL statement here. Check out the news item on the UFCW Canada website too.

Leading up to the recent federal election, a number of UFCW Locals 175 & 633 members took part in a campaign to talk to other Union members about the importance of voting and why being politically active is important. Check out the videos below!

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